
4.9 ★ Rated by 1,900+ Substance Use & Mental Health Clients

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Near Naples, Florida

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Near Naples, Florida



Introduction to Drug Rehab Centers Serving Naples, Florida

You might be at that point where you feel like you have no control over your life or where you see a loved one struggle, and you don’t know what facility to recommend to them. Thankfully, our drug and rehab center in Naples can help you with drug abuse and alcoholism.


Our center is located in Florida, providing a beautiful backdrop against which you can focus on yourself. It is far too easy to relapse when you try to get clean at home, especially when so many things around you can cause stress or trigger addictive behavior.

Our rehab center specializes in outpatient programs and detox programs. We offer a range of amenities, holistic treatments, and evidence-based therapies that are designed on a personal level to give you the highest chance of success.


What to Look for in a Drug &  Alcohol Treatment Center in Naples, Florida

When you start looking into rehab facilities, there are a few key things you need:

First is a treatment plan that fits. There are different levels of care when it comes to addiction. For some people, their situation might be very manageable, they don’t have any physical dependence, but they know they struggle with substance abuse. In these situations, an outpatient program might be best. Other people might turn to an outpatient program after they have completed a residential inpatient program. If you are physically addicted to drugs or alcohol, you will need to start your recovery with detox. After that, you can transition into a residential inpatient program where you live at the rehab facility and learn how to live a sober, rewarding life before you step back into the chaos of your everyday life.

The second is a facility that targets multiple conditions at once. It is common for people who struggle with drugs and alcohol to also struggle with an undiagnosed mental health problem or addiction to multiple substances. You don’t want a facility that only focuses on physical addiction or only treats addiction to drugs but doesn’t target your undiagnosed depression or bother to examine what might have led to your addiction in the first place.

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Why Choose Our Drug Rehab Center Near Naples

If you or someone you love is ready to take that next step, to get help, you have a handful of different rehab centers scattered throughout Florida, so what makes our rehab centers in Naples, Florida better?


Meet Our Staff

Our drug rehab center gives customized treatment.

Our Naples drug rehab center gives you customization. When you first meet with someone at our facility, we will go over an initial evaluation, mental health exam, and physical exam, along with a deep dive into your history of drug and alcohol abuse. All of these things work in tandem to give us a better picture of what therapy and what holistic treatments will provide you with the highest chance of success. We design our programs to meet your specific needs, to help your mind, body, and soul. Treating just one type of drug addiction won’t do you any good if we don’t also help you treat the underlying mental health problem or unresolved trauma that caused you to use drugs and alcohol in the first place.

Our alcohol rehab centers near Naples, Florida, gives you detox.

Our alcohol rehab centers in Naples, Florida, offer comprehensive detox programs that you can fit in and around your schedule. If you struggle with alcohol abuse or drug addiction, it’s not safe to detox independently. Sometimes the withdrawal symptoms can cause a magnitude of problems, medical complications, and just severe discomfort that is so bad for some people it’s easy to quit in the middle of your detox at home and just go back to using.

But when you have help from our team of qualified professionals, you don’t have to worry about this because we can provide you with medical supervision, counseling, and medication to manage the symptoms.

Our drug rehab near Naples FL facility lets you control your schedule.

Our outpatient drug rehab in Naples, FL, is designed to accommodate your schedule. Suppose you have a moderate addiction and have already completed an inpatient program or live in a safe and supportive environment without many triggers. In that case, you can undergo Outpatient Therapy coming to our facility just a few hours each week on a schedule that works for you. The type of treatment you get every week is designed to give you coping skills rather than drugs and alcohol, peer support through things like 12 step meetings, and any other type of support you need like marriage counseling or relationship and family therapy.

Our rehab centers in Naples, Florida, can help you get to know yourself.

Too often, people are overwhelmed with everyday life, the demands of sitting in traffic, getting a job, helping out at home, doing regular chores around the house, and so on. Not many people are able to take the time to truly get to know themselves. This is especially true for people who struggle with addiction. When you become addicted to drugs or alcohol, you lose yourself in that substance, and you start to get defined by your addiction. You don’t get to appreciate who you are as a person because the only thing that matters at that moment is your addiction.

But with a rehab program, you get to figure out where that addiction started, what caused you to turn to drugs and alcohol, and what items along your path caused you to keep using drugs and alcohol even when you knew it was wrong. Rehab gives you an opportunity to reflect on who you were, who you are, and who you want to become.

Our alcohol rehab centers in Naples, Florida, can save your personal relationships.

Drug and alcohol addiction doesn’t just affect the user; it affects their friends and family. People who don’t get help or try to overcome their addiction on their own don’t necessarily get the extended help they need to salvage their relationships. This does a disservice not just to you but to your friends and family members who have also been impacted and need help moving forward in a supportive fashion.

Sometimes you need to re-establish relationships that were torn apart because of your addiction or rebuild bridges you have burned. You may have hurt someone close to you, stolen money from your loved ones, lied to them, but a good rehab program can help you understand why this was hurtful and how to rebuild trust with people close to you.

Our drug rehab Naples FL based can help you build a social network.

One of the most commonly overlooked benefits of getting help at a rehab facility for drug or alcohol abuse is building new relationships and new support networks. A significant factor in relapse is people who get sober and clean but then immediately go back home and meet up with the same friends they did drugs with or drink heavily with, or go to social activities and events where drugs and alcohol are common. It can be challenging to stay sober and clean if everyone around you is doing the exact opposite. Usually, in these situations, those friends don’t understand or support your decision to get clean, which makes it even more difficult.

But when you go to rehab, you get to learn that there are hundreds of other people just like yourself on the road to recovery, and through things like 12 step meetings, support groups, peer activities, group counseling, and mentors, you get to build sober relationships with people who appreciate the struggle you have gone through, who want the best for you, and who support your recovery.


Find Lasting Recovery at Our DrugTreatment Center Near Naples

Prevail Recovery is here to help you. Taking that first step can be hard, but our team can make the rest of your steps easier. Our residential neighborhood facility aims to provide consistent, high-quality services that use the best practices in the industry and have the highest chance of successful recovery. Work with our team, and we will help you design treatment programs with things like medication management, sober recreational outings, guided meditation, family therapy, anger management, daily living skills, art therapy, and more.

The Prevail Recovery Naples drug rehab center is here to get you the help you deserve.

Meet our Staff

Reach out to us today or call +1 (866) 441-2455 for help with your addiction.

We Accept Most Major Insurance

Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Health Network
Health Net
United Healthcare
Group of people smiling

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