Opioid Addiction
If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, you can find South Florida opioid rehab that makes recovery easy. Places like Prevail Recovery are top-rated Florida rehab institutions that help you regain control over your life, independence, and happiness.
Opioids refer to a category of drugs that are derived from the poppy plant or a synthetic version. Opioids include illegal heroin synthesized from the poppy plant and synthetic opioids like Fentanyl.
Opioids might be given to you by your doctor in the form of a prescription for Oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and others. Unfortunately, in whatever form, opioids are highly addictive and alter the structure and function of the brain.
Reach out to Prevail Recovery Center to learn more about our South Florida opioid rehab.
How Do Opioids Affect the Brain?
Opioids chemically interact with what are called opioid receptors located in your nerve cells. These opioid receptors block pain and produce euphoria. This means every time you take any type of opioid, prescription or otherwise, any pain you might have felt gets blocked, and you feel high or happy at the same time.
Unfortunately, this makes it all too easy to become addicted when other substances or natural activities no longer give you that same level of pain management or euphoria.
Contact Prevail Recovery Center to talk about the opioid addiction treatment and learn more about our South Florida treatment programs.

What Are the Signs of Opioid Addiction?
Figuring out whether your loved one needs opioid rehab or whether you should attend South Florida opioid rehab can be a little difficult.
The reason is that a lot of the signs of opioid addiction when taken in isolation, could be easily related to something else. Being drowsy is a typical sign of opioid addiction, but if that’s the only sign that you or your loved one has, it could just as easily be exhaustion, not having enough food, or having exercised too much recently.
Moreover, many people who struggle with opioid addiction start using prescription opioids from a doctor, so the signs and symptoms that are initially displayed might be written off as normal side effects of the medication.
Common signs of opioid abuse include:
- Uncontrollable cravings for opioids
- The inability to control how much is used
- Using more than is prescribed by a doctor
- Having multiple prescriptions from different doctors
- Changes in exercise habits
- Decreased libido
- Drowsiness
- Weight loss
- Financial troubles
- Stealing
- Isolation from friends and family
- Lack of hygiene
The key to accurately assessing whether you or someone else has an addiction is when many of these signs are present simultaneously. Someone who has more than one prescription, can’t control how much they are taking, is drowsy all the time with significant weight loss and financial problems, and is habitually lying about how many opioids they use is much more likely to struggle with addiction and need help from an opioid treatment center compared to someone who is just a little drowsy here or there.
If you notice the signs of addiction, call us to speak about the types of opioid rehab we offer.

Are There OutpatientPrograms for Opioid Abuse?
You can find South Florida opioid rehab. With an opioid treatment center, you can get specialized help using FDA-approved medications and ongoing individual and group therapy to target underlying factors that may have contributed to opioid abuse in the first place.
With Prevail Recovery Center, you can get help today at our Florida outpatient opioid treatment center.
Prevail Recovery Provides Outpatient Opioid Treatment in South Florida

At Prevail, we provide opioid addiction treatment at our South Florida opioid rehab center. We appreciate that dealing with addiction doesn’t mean you don’t have other responsibilities like work or a family. That is why our opioid rehab is flexible, offering things like partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment if you are pressed for time.
Without compromising the service quality, we can help you get opioid rehab in South Florida in a comfortable, nurturing environment close to home. Our outpatient services allow you the chance to live at home, continue with your personal or professional obligations, and drive to our opioid treatment center when it’s time for your therapy sessions and other treatment.
Dual Diagnosis
With Prevail, you can get help for dual diagnosis situations too. Getting help with dual diagnosis services means access to more comprehensive treatment that leads to higher success rates. We have a team of specialists who can provide high-quality, evidence-based treatment for mental health disorders simultaneously as you undergo things and outpatient treatment for addiction. Treating only one part of your overall health leaves you susceptible to relapse, but our team works hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Prevail Recovery Center is a top-rated drug and alcohol addiction treatment center in South Florida because of the different levels of care and different therapies offered. Our facility understands the need to treat the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously in order to achieve the best results.
Music Therapy
That is why we offer things like music therapy, where individuals can find opportunities to better express their feelings and their frustrations through song or instruments. Music therapy doesn’t require any type of skill or musical background. Participation can be as limited as dancing along to music or just listening and appreciating the music.
Art Therapy
We also provide art therapy. Art therapy is a great way to relieve pain while undergoing rehab. The process of detoxification and dealing with cravings can be painful, but studies indicate that participating in any type of art therapy, even if it’s just blindly coloring a blank page or coloring book with watercolors, can help people better manage pain in the future. Art therapy can facilitate open discussion and better emotional capacity.
Yoga Therapy
Prevail Recovery Center wants to help you rediscover the joy of life. As you go through rehab, you will struggle with discomfort.
- Things will be emotionally uncomfortable when you are sitting in the middle of a group session, and you are asked to share something from your childhood.
- Things will be physically uncomfortable as you go through detox or deal with ongoing cravings or as your body tries to recover from the damage done by drugs and alcohol.
- Things will be psychologically uncomfortable when you are triggered, and you must find ways to cope with things outside your control.
This is why we emphasize things like yoga therapy. Yoga therapy teaches you to be mindful of that discomfort, to know that it is temporary and you can sit with it.
Too often, when people feel any type of discomfort, they try to make that discomfort go away immediately. People try to drink it away, smoke it, sleep it away, or eat it. But to heal, you have to feel that discomfort for what it is, not a mellow version that you muffled with drugs and alcohol.
So, you have to learn to sit with your discomfort. When participating in yoga therapy or meditation, you hold a pose for a specific amount of time, focusing on your breathing, scanning your body, and appreciating that any discomfort you feel in different muscle groups will pass. This teaches you to acknowledge the discomfort that arises in other parts of your life and to accept it for what it is so that you can heal from it.
Let Prevail Recovery Center help you regain your independence with the best opioid treatment.

Enhance Your Opioid Recoverywith Animal-Assisted Therapy
At Prevail Recovery Center, we understand the unique challenges of opioid addiction and the importance of a comprehensive treatment approach that addresses both the mind and body. Our South Florida facility offers innovative animal-assisted therapy as part of our holistic opioid treatment program. This therapeutic approach, which involves interaction with trained animals, has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and provide a sense of companionship, all of which can significantly aid in the recovery process. Our dedicated professionals will work with you to determine if animal-assisted therapy aligns with your specific recovery goals and needs. By integrating this therapy alongside other holistic treatments such as yoga, Reiki, Sound Therapy, Guided Meditations, and medication management, we create a personalized treatment plan that supports your overall well-being. To learn more about how animal-assisted therapy can enhance your opioid addiction treatment, contact Prevail Recovery Center today.
We Accept Most Major Insurance

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